Comparative Implementation of Narrowing Strategies

Daniela Genius, Department of Program Structures and Data Organization, Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany


We have implemented several narrowing strategies by translation into Prolog, exploiting determinism on the one hand, expression parallelism on the other. For the latter strategies a translation scheme is given. As efficiency of the parallel strategies is unsatisfactory at least in a Prolog implementation, we suggest a combination of both approaches, improving run time behaviour of the parallel strategy significantly. We try to establish a taxonomy among the strategies we considered. A testing environment is provided, which also contains some heuristics for the creation of definitional trees out of left hand sides of rules. Extending parallel narrowing strategies by conditional rules is still an open question, demanding for further research.


Informally speaking, a narrowing step is an instantiation of goal variables followed by a reduction step on the instantiated goal. Lazy narrowing strategies generally apply steps at outermost positions, and consider inner positions only if they are demanded. For the class of inductively sequential rewrite systems, needed narrowing is optimal w.r.t. the number of solutions as well as the length of derivations. Our goal is to extend needed narrowing to a more general class of weakly orthogonal systems which allow overlapping left hand sides of rules.

The Implementations

A conservative extension is weakly needed narrowing which can be implemented in Prolog by using the backtracking mechanism. Loogen and Winkler propose a dynamic cut, i.e. cutting off alternative solutions at run time if no variables in the goal have been bound. Lazy narrowing with simplification by Hanus exploits determinism by performing reduction steps between narrowing steps. We focus on the application of steps at multiple disjoint positions at once, so called narrowing multisteps. A narrowing multistep consists of a first part, in which possible substitutions are explicitly collected. This breadth-first approach is necessary, as try to eliminate some of the substitutions afterwards. In the second part, we simply perform a rewrite multistep. A detailed translation scheme is described in the MPLP paper.

Parallel Narrowing with Simplification

In analogy to lazy narrowing with simplification, we generate separate pieces of code for a terminating subset of the rules. Simplification steps should be applied as long as no goal variable needs to be bound. Simplification rules are generated with the help of the definitional tree for the terminating rules. The new strategy avoids the overhead of collecting substitutions breadth-first in many cases, resulting in a gain in efficiency (factor 3-4).

Experimental Results

In my thesis, the influence of programming techniques, behaviour on purely functional programs, and the elimination of useless computations have been considered in some detail. Lazy narrowing with simplification has significant advantages on generate-and-test programs, such as permutation sort. The implementation overhead of multistep and dynamic cut strategies in a Prolog implementation is very high, as we have to consider the entire term in a breadth-first manner in the first case, and bypass Prolog's backtracking mechanism in both cases.

Conditional Narrowing

We suggest a method to extend multistep strategies by conditional equations. Thus, a nonambiguity condition like in BABEL becomes necessary.

Generation of Definitional Trees

For convenience, we provide algorithms that extend Antoy's definitional tree creation algorithms to overlapping lhs of rules (so-called parallel definitional trees).


The concrete implementation also comprises the definition of a small language CUT (CUrry Translation) and a frontend, in order to support the development of Curry. We have presented the first implementation of a narrowing strategy with parallel steps. Furthermore we suggest, from the implementational point of view, a parallel strategy with simplification steps, which is the most powerful though not the fastest among the strategies we examined.

Related Web pages

Thesis was accomplished at the RWTH Aachen, Department of Computer Science II (Prof. Hanus)