* *Continuous conditioning circuit with a variable capacitor ***** Parameter definition******* * gap closing transducer parameters: initial gap, area .params d0=45e-6 .params S=1e-4 * Mobile electrode sinusoidal motion parameters: amplitude, freq. in Hz .params X0=40e-6 .params f=100 * Permittivity of the vacuum .params eps0=8.85e-12 * Parasitic capacitance in series with the transducer .params Cp=30e-12 *Load resistance .params RL=10e6 * Bias voltage .params Vres=5 **************************************** * Fixed capacitors .params Cres=1e-6 .params Cstore=3e-9 *** Diode model : .model IdealDiode D(Ron=.1 Roff=1000Meg Vfwd=.01) ********* The netlist: * Definition of the variable capacitance Vdisp disp 0 sine ( 0 {X0} {f*2*3.14} 0 0 0 0) Ecvar Cvar 0 value={Cp+eps0*S/(d0-V(disp))} * Current generated by the variable capacitor Cvar var 0 Q=V(Cvar)*x *Vt var 0 1 * charge pump Cres res 0 {Cres} ic={Vres} Rpar=1e12 Cstore store 0 {Cstore} Rpar=1e12 d1 res var IdealDiode d2 var store IdealDiode ******Simulator commands * Transient simulation .tran 2 2 uic ** simulation parameters .options method=gear reltol=1e-6 .end