/* * soclib_nic.c - SOCLIB_NIC (Network Interface Controler) driver implementation. * * Author Alain Greiner (2016) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH.is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH.is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH.; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_nic_init( chdev_t * chdev ) { uint32_t i; kmem_req_t req; // set driver specific fields in chdev descriptor chdev->cmd = &soclib_nic_cmd; chdev->isr = &soclib_nic_isr; // get hardware device cluster and local pointer cxy_t nic_cxy = GET_CXY( chdev->base ); uint32_t * nic_ptr = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( chdev->base ); // initialize Soclib NIC global registers hal_remote_sw( XPTR( nic_cxy , nic_ptr + NIC_GLOBAL_SPAN + NIC_G_BC_ENABLE ) , 0 ); hal_remote_sw( XPTR( nic_cxy , nic_ptr + NIC_GLOBAL_SPAN + NIC_G_RUN ) , 0 ); // allocate memory for chbuf descriptor (one page) assert( (sizeof(nic_chbuf_t) <= CONFIG_PPM_PAGE_SIZE ) , "chbuf descriptor exceeds one page" ); req.type = KMEM_PAGE; req.size = 0; req.flags = AF_KERNEL; nic_chbuf_t * chbuf = (nic_chbuf_t *)kmem_alloc( &req ); assert( (chbuf != NULL) , "cannot allocate chbuf descriptor" ); // initialise chbuf state chbuf->cont_id = 0; chbuf->pkt_id = 0; chbuf->word_id = 34; // allocate containers (one page per container) // and complete chbuf descriptor initialization assert( (CONFIG_PPM_PAGE_SIZE == 4096) , "chbuf container must be 4 Kbytes" ); for( i = 0 ; i < CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH ; i++ ) { uint32_t * container = (uint32_t *)kmem_alloc( &req ); assert( (container != NULL) , "cannot allocate container" ); chbuf->cont[i] = container; chbuf->full[i] = (paddr_t)XPTR( local_cxy , container ); } } // end soclib_nic_init() ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void __attribute__ ((noinline)) soclib_nic_cmd( xptr_t thread_xp ) { uint32_t cmd; // command type char * buffer; // pointer on command buffer uint32_t length; // Ethernet packet length xptr_t dev_xp; // extended pointer on NIC device nic_chbuf_t * chbuf; // pointer on chbuf descriptor uint32_t cont_id; // index of current container in chbuf uint32_t pkt_id; // index of current packet in container uint32_t word_id; // index of first word of current packet in container uint32_t * container; // pointer on container (array of uint32_t) uint16_t * header; // pointer on container header (array of uint16_t) uint32_t npackets; // number of packets in current container // get local pointer for client thread thread_t * thread_ptr = (thread_t *)GET_PTR( thread_xp ); // get command arguments cmd = thread_ptr->nic_cmd.cmd; buffer = thread_ptr->nic_cmd.buffer; length = thread_ptr->nic_cmd.length; dev_xp = thread_ptr->nic_cmd.dev_xp; // get local pointer for device chdev_t * dev_ptr = (chdev_t *)GET_PTR( dev_xp ); // get chbuf descriptor pointer chbuf = (nic_chbuf_t *)dev_ptr->ext.nic.queue; // analyse command type switch( cmd ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case NIC_CMD_READ: // transfer one packet from RX queue to command buffer { // get current container index cont_id = chbuf->cont_id; assert( chbuf->full[cont_id] == 0 , "Read an empty container\n" ); // get pointer on container and header container = chbuf->cont[cont_id]; header = (uint16_t *)container; // get expected packet index and first word index in container pkt_id = chbuf->pkt_id; word_id = chbuf->word_id; // get packet length and number of packets from container header length = header[pkt_id + 2]; npackets = header[0]; assert( pkt_id >= npackets, "Read a non readable container, packet index too large\n"); // move the packet from container to buffer memcpy( buffer , container + word_id , length ); // update current packet index and first word index chbuf->pkt_id = pkt_id + 1; if( length & 0x3 ) chbuf->word_id = word_id + (length>>2) + 1; else chbuf->word_id = word_id + (length>>2); } break; // end READ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case NIC_CMD_WRITE: // move one packet from command buffer to TX queue { // get current TX container indexes cont_id = chbuf->cont_id; pkt_id = chbuf->pkt_id; word_id = chbuf->word_id; assert( chbuf->full[cont_id] != 0, "Write to a full container\n" ); // get pointer on container and header container = chbuf->cont[cont_id]; header = (uint16_t *)container; assert( length > ((1024 - word_id) << 2), "Write to a non writable container, packet length too large\n"); // update packet length in container header header[pkt_id + 2] = (uint16_t)length; // move the packet from buffer to container memcpy( container + word_id , buffer , length ); // update current packet index and first word index chbuf->pkt_id = pkt_id + 1; if( length & 0x3 ) chbuf->word_id = word_id + (length>>2) + 1; else chbuf->word_id = word_id + (length>>2); } break; // end WRITE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case NIC_CMD_WRITABLE: // analyse chbuf status / update status if required { // get current container state cont_id = chbuf->cont_id; word_id = chbuf->word_id; // compute current container writable bool_t ok = ( chbuf->full[cont_id] == 0 ) && ( length <= ((1024 - word_id)<<2) ); if( ok ) // current container writable { // return chbuf writable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = true; } else // current container not writable { // release current container chbuf->full[cont_id] = 1; // check next container cont_id = (cont_id + 1) % CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH; if( chbuf->full[cont_id] == 0 ) // next container empty { // update chbuf status chbuf->word_id = 34; chbuf->cont_id = cont_id; chbuf->pkt_id = 0; // return chbuf writable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = true; } else // next container full { // return chbuf non writable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = false; } } } break; // end WRITABLE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case NIC_CMD_READABLE: // analyse chbuf status / update status if required { // get current container state cont_id = chbuf->cont_id; pkt_id = chbuf->pkt_id; npackets = chbuf->cont[cont_id][0] & 0x0000FFFF; // compute current container readable bool_t ok = ( chbuf->full[cont_id] == 1 ) && ( pkt_id < npackets ); if( ok ) // current container readable { // return chbuf readable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = true; } else // current container non readable { // release current container chbuf->full[cont_id] = 0; // check next container cont_id = (cont_id + 1) % CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH; if( chbuf->full[cont_id] == 1 ) // next container full { // update chbuf status chbuf->word_id = 34; chbuf->cont_id = cont_id; chbuf->pkt_id = 0; // return chbuf readable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = true; } else // next container empty { // return chbuf non readable thread_ptr->nic_cmd.status = false; } } } break; // end READABLE default: { assert( false, "Unknown command <%x>\n", cmd ); } } } // end soclib_nic_cmd() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void __attribute__ ((noinline)) soclib_nic_isr( chdev_t * chdev ) { // get base, size, channel, is_rx from NIC channel device NIC xptr_t base = chdev->base; uint32_t channel = chdev->channel; bool_t is_rx = chdev->is_rx; // get NIC peripheral cluster and local pointer cxy_t cxy_nic = GET_CXY( base ); uint32_t * ptr_nic = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( base ); // compute local pointer on status register uint32_t * offset; if( is_rx ) offset = ptr_nic + (NIC_CHANNEL_SPAN * (channel + 1)) + NIC_RX_STATUS; else offset = ptr_nic + (NIC_CHANNEL_SPAN * (channel + 1)) + NIC_TX_STATUS; // read NIC channel status and acknowledge IRQ uint32_t status = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy_nic , offset ) ); assert( status != 0, "Illegal address: \n" ); // unblock server thread thread_t * server = chdev->server; thread_unblock( XPTR( local_cxy , server ) , THREAD_BLOCKED_IO ); } // end soclib_nic_isr()