/* * hal_kentry.h - General values used in the different kernel entries * * Copyright (c) 2017 Maxime Villard * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define T_PRIVINFLT 0 /* privileged instruction */ #define T_BPTFLT 1 /* breakpoint trap */ #define T_ARITHTRAP 2 /* arithmetic trap */ #define T_ASTFLT 3 /* asynchronous system trap */ #define T_PROTFLT 4 /* protection fault */ #define T_TRCTRAP 5 /* trace trap */ #define T_PAGEFLT 6 /* page fault */ #define T_ALIGNFLT 7 /* alignment fault */ #define T_DIVIDE 8 /* integer divide fault */ #define T_NMI 9 /* non-maskable interrupt */ #define T_OFLOW 10 /* overflow trap */ #define T_BOUND 11 /* bounds check fault */ #define T_DNA 12 /* device not available fault */ #define T_DOUBLEFLT 13 /* double fault */ #define T_FPOPFLT 14 /* fp coprocessor operand fetch fault */ #define T_TSSFLT 15 /* invalid tss fault */ #define T_SEGNPFLT 16 /* segment not present fault */ #define T_STKFLT 17 /* stack fault */ #define T_MCA 18 /* machine check */ #define T_XMM 19 /* SSE FP exception */ #define T_RESERVED 20 /* reserved fault base */ /* Trap's coming from user mode */ #define T_USER 0x100 #define TLSVAR(off) %gs:TLS_ ## off /* * Processor Status Longword. */ #define PSL_C 0x00000001 /* carry flag */ #define PSL_PF 0x00000004 /* parity flag */ #define PSL_AF 0x00000010 /* auxiliary carry flag */ #define PSL_Z 0x00000040 /* zero flag */ #define PSL_N 0x00000080 /* sign flag */ #define PSL_T 0x00000100 /* trap flag */ #define PSL_I 0x00000200 /* interrupt enable flag */ #define PSL_D 0x00000400 /* direction flag */ #define PSL_V 0x00000800 /* overflow flag */ #define PSL_IOPL 0x00003000 /* i/o privilege level */ #define PSL_NT 0x00004000 /* nested task */ #define PSL_RF 0x00010000 /* resume flag */ #define PSL_VM 0x00020000 /* virtual 8086 mode */ #define PSL_AC 0x00040000 /* alignment check flag */ #define PSL_VIF 0x00080000 /* virtual interrupt enable flag */ #define PSL_VIP 0x00100000 /* virtual interrupt pending flag */ #define PSL_ID 0x00200000 /* identification flag */ #define PSL_MBO 0x00000002 /* must be one bits */ #define PSL_MBZ 0xffc08028 /* must be zero bits */ #define PSL_USERSET (PSL_MBO | PSL_I) /* * Trap frame */ #define TF_REGSIZE (19 * 8) #define INTR_SAVE_REGS \ subq $TF_REGSIZE,%rsp ; \ movq %rax,TF_RAX(%rsp) ; \ movq %rbx,TF_RBX(%rsp) ; \ movq %rcx,TF_RCX(%rsp) ; \ movq %rdx,TF_RDX(%rsp) ; \ movq %rbp,TF_RBP(%rsp) ; \ movq %rdi,TF_RDI(%rsp) ; \ movq %rsi,TF_RSI(%rsp) ; \ movq %r8,TF_R8(%rsp) ; \ movq %r9,TF_R9(%rsp) ; \ movq %r10,TF_R10(%rsp) ; \ movq %r11,TF_R11(%rsp) ; \ movq %r12,TF_R12(%rsp) ; \ movq %r13,TF_R13(%rsp) ; \ movq %r14,TF_R14(%rsp) ; \ movq %r15,TF_R15(%rsp) ; \ /* movw %gs,TF_GS(%rsp) */ ; \ movw %fs,TF_FS(%rsp) ; \ movw %es,TF_ES(%rsp) ; \ movw %ds,TF_DS(%rsp) ; \ cld #define INTR_RESTORE_REGS \ movq TF_RAX(%rsp),%rax ; \ movq TF_RBX(%rsp),%rbx ; \ movq TF_RCX(%rsp),%rcx ; \ movq TF_RDX(%rsp),%rdx ; \ movq TF_RBP(%rsp),%rbp ; \ movq TF_RDI(%rsp),%rdi ; \ movq TF_RSI(%rsp),%rsi ; \ movq TF_R8(%rsp),%r8 ; \ movq TF_R9(%rsp),%r9 ; \ movq TF_R10(%rsp),%r10 ; \ movq TF_R11(%rsp),%r11 ; \ movq TF_R12(%rsp),%r12 ; \ movq TF_R13(%rsp),%r13 ; \ movq TF_R14(%rsp),%r14 ; \ movq TF_R15(%rsp),%r15 ; \ /* movw TF_GS(%rsp),%gs */ ; \ movw TF_FS(%rsp),%fs ; \ movw TF_ES(%rsp),%es ; \ movw TF_DS(%rsp),%ds ; \ addq $TF_REGSIZE,%rsp ; \ cld #ifndef x86_ASM /* * The x86_64 CPU trap frame. !!WARNING!! The size of this structure must be * exactly TF_SIZE. */ typedef struct hal_trapframe_s { /* Pushed by INTR_SAVE_REGS */ uint64_t tf_rax; uint64_t tf_rbx; uint64_t tf_rcx; uint64_t tf_rdx; uint64_t tf_rdi; uint64_t tf_rsi; uint64_t tf_rbp; uint64_t tf_r8; uint64_t tf_r9; uint64_t tf_r10; uint64_t tf_r11; uint64_t tf_r12; uint64_t tf_r13; uint64_t tf_r14; uint64_t tf_r15; uint64_t tf_gs; uint64_t tf_fs; uint64_t tf_es; uint64_t tf_ds; /* Pushed by the ISR */ uint64_t tf_trapno; /* Pushed by the hardware if exception */ uint64_t tf_err; /* in fact, this one may not... */ uint64_t tf_rip; uint64_t tf_cs; uint64_t tf_rflags; /* Always pushed by the hardware */ uint64_t tf_rsp; uint64_t tf_ss; } hal_trapframe_t; typedef struct hal_cpu_context_s { uint64_t ctx_rsp0; uint64_t ctx_tf; hal_trapframe_t ctx_hidden_tf; } hal_cpu_context_t; #else /* Offsets in the trapframe structure */ #define TF_RAX 0 #define TF_RBX 8 #define TF_RCX 16 #define TF_RDX 24 #define TF_RDI 32 #define TF_RSI 40 #define TF_RBP 48 #define TF_R8 56 #define TF_R9 64 #define TF_R10 72 #define TF_R11 80 #define TF_R12 88 #define TF_R13 96 #define TF_R14 104 #define TF_R15 112 #define TF_GS 120 #define TF_FS 128 #define TF_ES 136 #define TF_DS 144 /* Size of the trapframe structure */ #define TF_SIZE 208 /* Offsets in the context structure */ #define CTX_RSP0 0 #define CTX_TF 8 #endif