/* * soclib_nic.h - SOCLIB_NIC (Network Interface Controler) driver definition. * * Author Alain Greiner (2016) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _SOCLIB_NIC_H_ #define _SOCLIB_NIC_H_ #include #include /******************************************************************************************** * This driver supports the Soclib VciMasterNic component, that is a GMII compliant * multi-channels Gigabit Ethernet controler. * * The VciMasterNic component supports up to 4 channels, indexed by the source IP address * for the RX packets, and by the destination IP address for the TX packets. * * The Ethernet packet length can have any value, between 64 to 1538 bytes. * The data transfer unit between software and the NIC is a 4 Kbytes "container", * containing an integer number of variable size packets. * * The max number of packets in a container is 66 packets. * The first 34 words of a container are the container header : * * word0 | NB_WORDS | NB_PACKETS | * word1 | PLEN[0] | PLEN[1] | * ... | ....... | ........ | * word33 | PLEN[64] | PLEN[65] | * * - NB_PACKETS is the actual number of packets in the container. * - NB_WORDS is the number of useful words in the container. * - PLEN[i] is the number of bytes for the packet[i]. * * Packets are stored in the (1024 - 34) following words, and the packets are word-aligned. * * The TX and RX queues are implemented as chained buffers, where each buffer is a 4 Kbytes * container. Each container is protected by a SET/RESET synchronisation variable. * The structure implementing the chbuf descriptor is described below. * * To access both the container status, and the data contained in the container, the NIC * uses two physical addresses, that are packed in a 64 bits "container descriptor". * - desc[25:0] contain bits[31:6] of the status physical address. * - desc[51:26] contain bits[31:6] of the buffer physical address. * - desc[63:52] contain the common 12 physical address extension bits. *******************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************** * Addressable registers offsets *******************************************************************************************/ enum SoclibMasterNicGlobalRegisters { NIC_G_RUN = 0, /*! read_write : NIC component activated */ NIC_G_NB_CHANNELS = 1, /*! read_only : number of channels */ NIC_G_BC_ENABLE = 2, /*! read_write : broadcast enabled if non zero */ NIC_G_PERIOD = 3, /*! read-write : container status poll period */ NIC_G_MAC_4 = 4, /*! read-write : mac address 32 LSB bits */ NIC_G_MAC_2 = 5, /*! read-write : mac address 16 MSB bits */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_G2S_RECEIVED = 10, /*! number of packets received */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_G2S_DISCARDED = 11, /*! number of RX packets discarded by RX_G2S */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DES_SUCCESS = 12, /*! number of RX packets transmited by RX_DES */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DES_TOO_SMALL = 13, /*! number of discarded too small RX packets */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DES_TOO_BIG = 14, /*! number of discarded too big RX packets */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DES_MFIFO_FULL = 15, /*! number of discarded RX packets fifo full */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DES_CRC_FAIL = 16, /*! number of discarded RX packets CRC32 */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DISPATCH_RECEIVED = 17, /*! number of packets received by RX_DISPATCH */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DISPATCH_BROADCAST = 18, /*! number of broadcast RX packets received */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DISPATCH_DST_FAIL = 19, /*! number of discarded RX packets for DST MAC */ NIC_G_NPKT_RX_DISPATCH_CH_FULL = 20, /*! number of discarded RX packets cont full */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_RECEIVED = 41, /*! number of packets received by TX_DISPATCH */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_TOO_SMALL = 42, /*! number of discarded too small TX packets */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_TOO_BIG = 43, /*! number of discarded too big TX packets */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_SRC_FAIL = 44, /*! number of discarded TX packets for SRC MAC */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_BROADCAST = 45, /*! number of broadcast TX packets received */ NIC_G_NPKT_TX_DISPATCH_TRANSMIT = 46, /*! number of transmit TX packets */ NIC_GLOBAL_SPAN = 64 /*! 256 bytes for global registers */ }; enum SoclibMasterNicChannelRegisters { NIC_RX_STATUS = 0, /*! read-only : RX channel status */ NIC_RX_CHBUF_DESC_L0 = 1, /*! read-write : RX chbuf descriptor 32 LSB bits */ NIC_RX_CHBUF_DESC_HI = 2, /*! read-write : RX chbuf descriptor 32 MSB bits */ NIC_RX_CHBUF_NBUFS = 3, /*! read-write : RX chbuf depth (number of buffers) */ NIC_TX_STATUS = 8, /*! read-only : TX channel status */ NIC_TX_CHBUF_DESC_L0 = 9, /*! read-write : TX chbuf descriptor 32 LSB bits */ NIC_TX_CHBUF_DESC_HI = 10, /*! read-write : TX chbuf descriptor 32 MSB bits */ NIC_TX_CHBUF_NBUFS = 11, /*! read-write : TX chbuf depth (number of buffers) */ NIC_CHANNEL_SPAN = 16 /*! 64 bytes per channel */ }; /******************************************************************************************** * This structure defines the chained buffer descriptor, used to implement both * the RX and TX packets queues. Each buffer in a chbuf is a 4 Kbytes container * containing a variable number of packets. All containers are allocated in * the same cluster as the associated NIC device descriptor. The chbuf descriptor contains: * - an array of container pointers cont[], used by the kernet threads to access the * packets contained in the containers. * - an array of set/reset Boolean full[] used by both the software threads and * by the hardware FSMs for lock-less synchronisation. * - an array of containers descriptors containing the physical addresses of the * "full[i]" and "cont[i]" variables, used by the DMA FSMs. * Moreover, It contains three pointers (cont_id, pkt_id, and word_id) that are private * variables used by the software thread to scan the chbuf. *******************************************************************************************/ typedef struct nic_chbuf_s { uint32_t * cont[CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH]; /*! container virtual base address */ uint32_t full[CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH]; /*! Boolean : container full if non zero */ uint64_t desc[CONFIG_NIC_CHBUF_DEPTH]; /*! container & status physical addresses */ uint32_t cont_id; /*! current container index */ uint32_t pkt_id; /*! current packet index in container */ uint32_t word_id; /*! first word of current packet */ } nic_chbuf_t; /******************************************************************************************** * SOCLIB_NIC driver access functions *******************************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************************** * This function initializes the SOCLIB_NIC hardware registers, allocates memory for * the RX and TX containers, allocates and initializes the RX and TX chbuf descriptors. * It allocates one WTI mailbox for the IRQ signaling availability of an RX full container, * or a TX empty container, and route the WTI IRQ to the core running the server thread. ******************************************************************************************** * @ chdev : pointer on NIC chdev descriptor. *******************************************************************************************/ extern void soclib_nic_init( chdev_t * chdev ); /******************************************************************************************** * This function implement the READ / WRITE / READABLE / WRITABLE commands for TX/RX queues. * These command don't access the NIC peripheral but only the TX and TX chbufs. * It must be executed by a dedicated kernel thread running in the cluster containing * the CHBUF implementing the TX/RX queues. * It implements also the SET_MAC, SET_BC, SET_RUN configuration commands, that directly * access the NIC peripheral registers. * - READABLE * Returns in the command "status" a non zero value if a packet is available in RX queue. * Update the RX queue read pointer if required. * - READ * Move a packet from the RX queue to the command "buffer", and returns the packet * "length" in the command. The READABLE command must be called before the READ command. * - WRITABLE * Returns in the command "status" a non zero value if a packet with a given "length" * can be written in the TX queue. Update the RX queue read pointer if required. * - WRITE * Move a packet of a given "length" from the command "buffer" to the TX queue. * The WRITABLE command must be called before the WRITE command. * - SET_MAC * Set the values defined in the "length" and "status" command arguments, * into the NIC_C_MAC4 and NIG_G_MAC2 registers. * - SET_BC * Enable/disable broadcast packets, as defined in the "status" command argument, * into the NIC_G_BC_ENABLE register. * - SET_RUN * Enable/disable NIC, as defined in the "status" command argument, * into the NIC_G_RUN register. * @ dev_xp : extended pointer on the generic NIC device descriptor. ******************************************************************************************** $ @ thread_xp : extended pointer on client thread (containing the command arguments). *******************************************************************************************/ extern void soclib_nic_cmd( xptr_t thread_xp ); /******************************************************************************************** * This ISR acknowledge the NIC_RX or NIC_TX channel ISR signaling that a new container * has beeen moved, and reactivate the corresponding server thread. * In case of address error reported by the NIC controler in accessing the kernel chbuf, * it goes to kernel panic. ******************************************************************************************** * @ chdev : local pointer on NIC chdev descriptor. *******************************************************************************************/ extern void soclib_nic_isr( chdev_t * chdev ); #endif /* _BLOCK_H_ */