/* * soclib_xcu.c - soclib XCU driver API implementation. * * Authors Alain Greiner (2016) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH.is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH.is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-kernel; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include ///////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_init( device_t * icu, lid_t lid ) { // get local ICU segment base address uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( icu->base ); // write into registers base[XCU_MSK_HWI_DISABLE << 5 | lid] = 0xFFFFFFFF; base[XCU_MSK_WTI_DISABLE << 5 | lid] = 0xFFFFFFFF; base[XCU_MSK_PTI_DISABLE << 5 | lid] = 0xFFFFFFFF; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_disable_irq( xptr_t icu_xp, uint32_t mask, uint32_t type, lid_t lid ) { // get remote ICU cluster and local pointer cxy_t icu_cxy = GET_CXY( icu_xp ); device_t * icu_ptr = (device_t *)GET_PTR( icu_xp ); // get remote XCU segment base address xptr_t base = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( icu_cxy , &icu_ptr->base ) ); // compute xptr on relevant XCU mask register xptr_t reg_xp; if ( type == WTI_TYPE ) reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_WTI_DISABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); else if( type == HWI_TYPE ) reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_HWI_DISABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); else reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_PTI_DISABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); // reset relevant XCU mask register hal_remote_sw( reg_xp , mask ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_enable_irq( xptr_t icu_xp, uint32_t mask, uint32_t type, lid_t lid ) { // get remote ICU cluster and local pointer cxy_t icu_cxy = GET_CXY( icu_xp ); device_t * icu_ptr = (device_t *)GET_PTR( icu_xp ); // get remote XCU segment base address xptr_t base = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( icu_cxy , &icu_ptr->base ) ); // compute xptr on relevant XCU mask register xptr_t reg_xp; if ( type == WTI_TYPE ) reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_WTI_ENABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); else if( type == HWI_TYPE ) reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_HWI_ENABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); else reg_xp = base + ((XCU_MSK_PTI_ENABLE << 5 | lid)<<2); // set relevant XCU mask register hal_remote_sw( reg_xp , mask ); } /////////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_set_period( device_t * icu, uint32_t index, uint32_t period ) { // get local ICU segment base address uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( icu->base ); // write into register base[XCU_PTI_PER << 5 | index] = period; } ////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t soclib_xcu_ack_timer( device_t * icu, uint32_t index ) { // get local ICU segment base address uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( icu->base ); // read from register return base[XCU_PTI_ACK << 5 | index]; } /////////////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_get_status( device_t * icu, lid_t lid, uint32_t * hwi_status, uint32_t * wti_status, uint32_t * pti_status ) { // get local ICU segment base address uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( icu->base ); // read PRIO register uint32_t prio = base[XCU_PRIO << 5 | lid]; if( prio & 0x4 ) *wti_status = ((prio >> 24) & 0x1F) + 1; if( prio & 0x2 ) *hwi_status = ((prio >> 16) & 0x1F) + 1; if( prio & 0x1 ) *pti_status = ((prio >> 8) & 0x1F) + 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////// void soclib_xcu_send_ipi( xptr_t xp_icu, lid_t lid ) { // get target ICU device cluster and local pointer cxy_t cxy_icu = GET_CXY( xp_icu ); device_t * ptr_icu = (device_t *)GET_PTR( xp_icu ); // get extended pointer on target ICU segment base xptr_t xp_base = (xptr_t)hal_remote_lwd( XPTR( cxy_icu , &ptr_icu->base ) ); // get remote ICU segment local pointer uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( xp_base ); // send IPI to remote core hal_remote_sw( XPTR( cxy_icu , &base[XCU_WTI_REG << 5 | lid] ) , 0 ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t * soclib_xcu_wti_ptr( device_t * icu, uint32_t index ) { uint32_t * base = (uint32_t *)GET_PTR( icu->base ); return &base[XCU_WTI_REG << 5 | index]; }