/* * remote_fifo.c Implement a lock-less FIFO, multiple-remote-writers / single-local-reader * * Authors : Mohamed Lamine Karaoui (2015) * Alain Greiner (2016,2017) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////// void local_fifo_init( remote_fifo_t * fifo ) { uint32_t slot; fifo->wr_id = 0; fifo->rd_id = 0; for( slot = 0 ; slot < CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_SLOTS ; slot++ ) { fifo->valid[slot] = 0; } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// error_t remote_fifo_put_item( xptr_t fifo, uint64_t item, bool_t * first ) { uint32_t wr_id; uint32_t rd_id; uint32_t ptw; uint32_t watchdog; reg_t save_sr; uint32_t nslots; // get remote cluster identifier and pointer on FIFO cxy_t cxy = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( fifo ); remote_fifo_t * ptr = (remote_fifo_t *)GET_PTR( fifo ); // initialise watchdog for contention detection watchdog = 0; // no descheduling during put access hal_disable_irq( &save_sr ); // get write slot index and atomic increment wr_id = hal_remote_atomic_add( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->wr_id ) , 1 ); // check fifo state while( 1 ) { // return error if contention detected by watchdog if( watchdog > CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_MAX_ITERATIONS ) { // restore scheduling hal_restore_irq( save_sr ); // return error return EBUSY; } // read remote rd_id value rd_id = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->rd_id ) ); // compute number of full slots if( wr_id >= rd_id ) nslots = wr_id - rd_id; else nslots = (0xFFFFFFFF - rd_id) + wr_id; // exit if fifo not full if ( nslots < CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_SLOTS ) break; // restore interrupts hal_restore_irq( save_sr ); // deschedule without blocking if( thread_can_yield() ) sched_yield(); // disable interrupts hal_disable_irq( &save_sr ); // increment watchdog watchdog++; } // compute actual write slot pointer ptw = wr_id % CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_SLOTS; // copy item to fifo hal_remote_swd( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->data[ptw] ), item ); hal_fence(); // set the slot valid flag hal_remote_sw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->valid[ptw] ) , 1 ); hal_fence(); // return the first RPC flag *first = ( wr_id == rd_id ); // restore scheduling hal_restore_irq( save_sr ); return 0; } // end remote_fifo_put_item() ////////////////////////////////////////////////// error_t local_fifo_get_item( remote_fifo_t * fifo, uint64_t * item ) { // get fifo state uint32_t rd_id = fifo->rd_id; uint32_t wr_id = fifo->wr_id; // return if fifo empty if( rd_id == wr_id ) return EAGAIN; // compute actual read slot pointer uint32_t ptr = rd_id % CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_SLOTS; // wait slot filled by the writer while( fifo->valid[ptr] == 0 ) {} // copy item from FIFO to local buffer *item = fifo->data[ptr]; // reset valid slot flag fifo->valid[ptr] = 0; // increment the read index fifo->rd_id += 1; return 0; } // end local_fifo_get_item() ///////////////////////////////////////// bool_t remote_fifo_is_full( xptr_t fifo ) { uint32_t nslots; // get remote cluster identifier and pointer on FIFO cxy_t cxy = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( fifo ); remote_fifo_t * ptr = (remote_fifo_t *)GET_PTR( fifo ); // get read and write pointers uint32_t wr_id = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->wr_id ) ); uint32_t rd_id = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->rd_id ) ); // compute number of full slots if( wr_id >= rd_id ) nslots = wr_id - rd_id; else nslots = (0xFFFFFFFF - rd_id) + wr_id; return ( nslots >= CONFIG_REMOTE_FIFO_SLOTS ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool_t local_fifo_is_empty( remote_fifo_t * fifo ) { return ( fifo->wr_id == fifo->rd_id ); } ///////////////////////////////////////// uint32_t remote_fifo_items( xptr_t fifo ) { uint32_t nslots; // get remote cluster identifier and pointer on FIFO cxy_t cxy = (cxy_t)GET_CXY( fifo ); remote_fifo_t * ptr = (remote_fifo_t *)GET_PTR( fifo ); // get read and write pointers uint32_t wr_id = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->wr_id ) ); uint32_t rd_id = hal_remote_lw( XPTR( cxy , &ptr->rd_id ) ); // compute number of full slots if( wr_id >= rd_id ) nslots = wr_id - rd_id; else nslots = (0xFFFFFFFF - rd_id) + wr_id; return nslots; }