/* * xhtab.h - Remote access embedded hash table definition. * * Author Alain Greiner (2016,2017) * * Copyright (c) UPMC Sorbonne Universites * * This file is part of ALMOS-MKH. * * ALMOS-MKH is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.0 of the License. * * ALMOS-MKH is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with ALMOS-MKH; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef _XHTAB_H_ #define _XHTAB_H_ #include #include #include #include /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This file define a generic, embedded, remotely accessible hash table. // // It can be accessed by any thread, running in any cluster. // It is generic as it can be used to register various types of items. // The main goal is to speedup search by key for a large number of items of same type. // For this purpose the set of all registered items is split in several subsets. // Each subset is organised an embedded double linked lists. // - an item is uniquely identified by a , that can be a single uint32_t, // a name (character string), or a more complex structure. // - From the pointer on , we use an item type specific xhtab_index() function, // to compute an value, defining a subset of registered items. // - to discriminate between items that have the same , the hash table uses another // item type specific "xhtab_scan()" function for the associative search in subset. // - Each registered item is a structure, that must contain an embedded xlist_entry, // that is part of the xlist implementing the subset. // // Implementation Note: for each supported item type ***, you must define the two // xhtab_***_index() and xhtab_***_scan() functions, and // update the xhtab_init() function. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define HASHTAB_SIZE 64 // number of subsets /****************************************************************************************** * These typedef define the two item type specific function prototypes. *****************************************************************************************/ typedef xptr_t xhtab_scan_t( xptr_t xhtab_xp , uint32_t index , void * key ); typedef uint32_t xhtab_index_t( void * key ); /****************************************************************************************** * This define the supported item types. *****************************************************************************************/ typedef enum { XHTAB_DENTRY_TYPE = 0, /*! item is a vfs_dentry_t */ } xhtab_item_type_t; /****************************************************************************************** * This structure define the root of the remote accessible hash table. *****************************************************************************************/ typedef struct xhtab_s { xlist_entry_t roots[HASHTAB_SIZE]; /*! array of roots of xlist */ xhtab_index_t * index; /*! item specific function */ xhtab_scan_t * scan; /*! item specific function */ uint32_t items; /*! number of registered items */ remote_rwlock_t lock; /*! lock protecting hash table accesses */ } xhtab_t; /****************************************************************************************** * This function initializes an empty hash table (zero registered item). * The initialisation must be done by a thread running in cluster containing the table. ****************************************************************************************** * @ xhtab : local pointer on local xhtab to be initialized. * @ type : item type (see above). *****************************************************************************************/ void xhtab_init( xhtab_t * xhtab, xhtab_item_type_t type ); /****************************************************************************************** * This function safely register an item in the hash table, using the lock protecting it. ****************************************************************************************** * @ xhtab_xp : extended pointer on hash table. * @ key : local pointer on item identifier. * @ xlist_xp : extended pointer on xlist_entry_t embedded in item to be registered. * @ return 0 if success / return EINVAL if item already registered. *****************************************************************************************/ error_t xhtab_insert( xptr_t xhtab_xp, void * key, xptr_t xlist_xp ); /****************************************************************************************** * This function safely remove an item from the hash table, using the lock protecting it. ****************************************************************************************** * @ xhtab_xp : extended pointer on hash table. * @ key : local pointer on item identifier. * @ xlist_entry_xp : extended pointer on xlist_entry embedded in item to be removed. * @ return 0 if success / return EINVAL if item not found. *****************************************************************************************/ error_t xhtab_remove( xptr_t xhtab_xp, void * key, xptr_t xlist_entry_xp ); /****************************************************************************************** * This function search an item by its key in hash table, using the lock protecting it. ****************************************************************************************** * @ xhtab_xp : extended pointer on hash table. * @ key : local pointer on searched item identifier. * @ return extended pointer on the searched item if found / XPTR_NULL if not found. *****************************************************************************************/ xptr_t xhtab_lookup( xptr_t xhtab_xp, void * key ); #endif /* _XHTAB_H_ */