#put your absolute path to almos-mkh dir here ALMOS-MKH_DIR = LIBC_NAME = mini-libc #LIBC_NAME = newlib ARCH_NAME = tsar_mips32 #ARCH_NAME = x86_64 LIBPTHREAD_NAME = mini-libpthread ifeq ($(ALMOS-MKH_DIR),) $(error Please define ALMOS-MKH_DIR parameter in params-soft.mk!) endif ifeq ($(LIBC_NAME), mini-libc) LIBC_PATH = $(ALMOS-MKH_DIR)/libs/mini-libc/ endif ifeq ($(LIBC_NAME), newlib) LIBC_PATH = $(ALMOS-MKH_DIR)/libs/newlib/ endif ifeq ($(LIBPTHREAD_NAME), mini-libpthread) LIBPTHREAD_PATH = $(ALMOS-MKH_DIR)/libs/mini-libpthread/ endif #Define path to .a and headers files for libc and libpthread LIBC = $(LIBC_PATH)/build/lib/ LIBC_INCLUDE = $(LIBC_PATH)/build/include/ LIBPTHREAD = $(LIBPTHREAD_PATH)/build/lib/ LIBPTHREAD_INCLUDE = $(LIBPTHREAD_PATH)/build/include/ HAL = $(ALMOS-MKH_DIR)/hal KERNEL = $(ALMOS-MKH_DIR)/kernel ifeq ($(ARCH_NAME), tsar_mips32) $(info ARCH_NAME is tsar_mips32) export CFLAGS = -Wall -ffreestanding -mno-gpopt -mips32 -g -O2 \ -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -std=gnu89 export CC = mipsel-unknown-elf-gcc export AS = mipsel-unknown-elf-as export LD = mipsel-unknown-elf-ld export DU = mipsel-unknown-elf-objdump export AR = mipsel-unknown-elf-ar endif ifeq ($(ARCH_NAME), x86_64) $(info ARCH_NAME is x86_64) export CFLAGS = -Wall -ffreestanding -mno-red-zone -mno-mmx -mno-sse -mno-avx -g \ -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -mcmodel=large -std=gnu89 export CC = gcc export AS = as export LD = ld export DU = objdump export AR = ar endif ifeq ($(ARCH_NAME),) $(error Your ARCH_NAME is not support, check params-soft.mk!) endif BOOTLOADER_PATH = boot/$(ARCH_NAME) HAL_ARCH = $(HAL)/$(ARCH_NAME)