/* Example Linker Script for linking NS CR16 elf32 files.*/ OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-cr16") OUTPUT_ARCH(cr16) /* The libh.a library includes various CR default handlers. The libsim.a library includes low-level functions, which are used as an interface to communicate with the simulator. */ GROUP(-lc -lsim -lh -lgcc) /* The next line forces the entry point (_start in this script) to be entered in the output file as an undefined symbol. It is needed in case the entry point is not called explicitly (which is the usual case) AND is in an archive. */ EXTERN(_start) ENTRY(_start) /* Define memory regions: Only RAM required for simulator */ MEMORY { ram : ORIGIN = 0x2, LENGTH = 10M } SECTIONS { .init : { __INIT_START = .; KEEP (*(.init)) __INIT_END = .; } > ram .fini : { __FINI_START = .; KEEP (*(.fini)) __FINI_END = .; } > ram .jcr : { KEEP (*(.jcr)) } > ram .text : { __TEXT_START = .; *(.text) *(.text.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.t.*) __TEXT_END = .; } > ram .rdata : { __RDATA_START = .; *(.rdata_4) *(.rdata_2) *(.rdata_1) *(.rdata.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.r.*) *(.rodata*) __RDATA_END = .; } > ram .ctor ALIGN(4) : { __CTOR_START = .; KEEP (*crtbegin*.o(.ctors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend*.o) .ctors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.ctors.*))) KEEP (*(.ctors)) __CTOR_END = .; } > ram .dtor ALIGN(4) : { __DTOR_START = .; KEEP (*crtbegin*.o(.dtors)) KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend*.o) .dtors)) KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*))) KEEP (*(.dtors)) __DTOR_END = .; } > ram .data : { __DATA_START = .; *(.data_4) *(.data_2) *(.data_1) *(.data) *(.data.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.d.*) *(.eh_frame_hdr) *(.eh_frame) *(.gcc_except_table) *(.got.plt) *(.got) __DATA_END = .; } > ram .got : { *(.got) } > ram .got.plt : { *(.got.plt) } > ram .bss (NOLOAD) : { __BSS_START = .; *(.bss_4) *(.bss_2) *(.bss_1) *(.bss) *(COMMON) *(.bss.*) *(.gnu.linkonce.b.*) __BSS_END = .; } > ram /* You may change the sizes of the following sections to fit the actual size your program requires. The heap and stack are aligned to the bus width, as a speed optimization for accessing data located there. */ .heap : { . = ALIGN(4); __HEAP_START = .; . += 0x2000; __HEAP_MAX = .; } > ram .stack : { . = ALIGN(4); . += 0x6000; __STACK_START = .; } > ram .istack : { . = ALIGN(4); . += 0x100; __ISTACK_START = .; } > ram } __DATA_IMAGE_START = LOADADDR(.data);