.file "strcmp.S" .section .text .global _strcmp .type _strcmp,@function _strcmp: movm [d2,d3,a2,a3],(sp) .Lend_of_prologue: mov d0,a0 mov d1,a1 #ifndef __OPTIMIZE_SIZE__ or d1,d0 btst 3,d0 bne .L11 mov (a0),d1 mov (a1),d0 cmp d0,d1 bne .L11 mov -16843009,d3 setlb mov (a0),d0 mov d3,d1 add d0,d1 not d0 and d0,d1 and -2139062144,d1 beq .L6 clr d0 jmp .Lepilogue .L6: inc4 a0 inc4 a1 mov (a0),d1 mov (a1),d0 cmp d0,d1 leq .L11: #endif setlb movbu (a1),d2 movbu (a0),d0 cmp 0,d0 beq .L9 cmp d2,d0 bne .L9 inc a0 inc a1 lra .L9: sub d2,d0 .Lepilogue: ret [d2,d3,a2,a3],16 .Lend_of_strcmp: .size _strcmp, .Lend_of_strcmp - _strcmp .section .debug_frame,"",@progbits .Lstart_of_debug_frame: # Common Information Entry (CIE) .4byte .Lend_of_CIE - .Lstart_of_CIE # CIE Length .Lstart_of_CIE: .4byte 0xffffffff # CIE Identifier Tag .byte 0x1 # CIE Version .ascii "\0" # CIE Augmentation .uleb128 0x1 # CIE Code Alignment Factor .sleb128 -4 # CIE Data Alignment Factor .byte 0x32 # CIE RA Column .byte 0xc # DW_CFA_def_cfa .uleb128 0x9 .uleb128 0x0 .byte 0xb2 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x32 .uleb128 0x0 .align 2 .Lend_of_CIE: # Frame Description Entry (FDE) .4byte .Lend_of_FDE - .Lstart_of_FDE # FDE Length .Lstart_of_FDE: .4byte .Lstart_of_debug_frame # FDE CIE offset .4byte _strcmp # FDE initial location .4byte .Lend_of_strcmp - _strcmp # FDE address range .byte 0x4 # DW_CFA_advance_loc4 .4byte .Lend_of_prologue - _strcmp .byte 0xe # DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset .uleb128 0x4 .byte 0x87 # DW_CFA_offset, column 0x7 .uleb128 0x1 .align 2 .Lend_of_FDE: