.file "memchr.S" .section .text .global _memchr .type _memchr,@function _memchr: ;; R1: string pointer ;; R2: byte sought ;; R3: max number to scan #ifdef __RX_DISALLOW_STRING_INSNS__ mov.b r2, r2 ; The mov.b below sign extends as it loads, so make sure that r2 is sign-extended as well. 2: cmp #0, r3 beq 1f sub #1, r3 mov.b [r1+], r5 cmp r5, r2 bne 2b sub #1, r1 ; We have found a match, bit now R1 points to the byte after the match. 1: rts #else cmp #0, r3 ; If r3 is 0 suntil.b will do nothing and not set any flags... stz #1, r1 ; ...so store 1 into r1. It will be decremented by the SUB later. suntil.b ; Search until *r1 == r2 or r3 bytes have been examined. stnz #1, r1 ; If no match was found return NULL. sub #1, r1 ; suntil.b leaves r1 pointing at the address *after* the match. rts #endif .size _memchr, . - _memchr