Custom Query (53 matches)


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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#26 Nicolas Pouillon benhajatef@… N/A TP DSX

pour l'application mjpeg, je pas trouver les taches (.c) et les modèles des taches pourtant quelle bien fonctionne. quelle fonction fait appel a ces modèles? et leurs chemin d'arborescence?

#21 Nicolas Pouillon ludovic.lhours@… invalid bug in soclib.component.Component

Moved the ports registration call statement(Component.__registerPort), so that component is properly defined before registration. __registerPort can call __repr__ (implicitly in warn statement) which itself use __module.

#6 Nicolas Pouillon Nicolas Pouillon wontfix MutekS Scheduler

The MutekS scheduler copies task status even if task is alone on CPU. This is slow.

State saving should be done on stack, this may be faster than on fixed descriptior, and more scalable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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