Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of nic_driver

Oct 13, 2014, 3:01:58 PM (10 years ago)



  • nic_driver

    v1 v1  
     1= GIET-VM / NIC Driver =
     5The [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_drivers/nic_driver.c nic_driver.c] and [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_drivers/nic_driver.h nic_driver.h] files define the NIC driver.
     7This component is a multi-channels, giga-bit Ethernet network controller. It is an ''external'', non replicated peripheral.
     9 * The ''_nic_sync_write()'' and ''_nic_sync_read()'' functions use a ''memcpy'' strategy to transfer a flow of packets between a chained buffer in kernel space and the NIC internal chained buffer. They are blocking until completion of the transfer.
     11 * The ''_nic_cma_start()'' and ''_nic_cma_stop()'' functions use the ''vci_chbuf_dma'' component to transfer a flow of packets between a chained buffer in kernel space and the NIC internal chained buffer. They are non blocking. In this case, one NIC channel and two CMA channels must be allocated to the task in the mapping_info data structure.
     13The SEG_NIC_BASE address must be defined in the hard_config.h file.
     15The addressable registers map is defined [source:soft/giet_vm/giet_drivers/nic_driver.h here].
     17WARNING : All these functions are not completely specifiedI yet.
     21 === unsigned int '''_nic_sync_write'''(  ) ===
     22To be defined...
     24 === unsigned int '''_nic_sync_read'''(  ) ===
     25To be defined...
     27 === unsigned int '''_nic_cma_start()''' ===
     28To be defined...
     30 === unsigned int '''_nic_cma_stop()''' ===
     31To be defined...
     33 === void '''_nic_rx_isr'''( unsigned int irq_type,  unsigned int irq_id,  unsigned int channel ) ===
     34This interrupt Service Routine  handles IRQs from a NIC_RX channel.
     36 === void '''_nic_tx_isr'''( unsigned int irq_type,  unsigned int irq_id,  unsigned int channel ) ===
     37This interrupt Service Routine  handles IRQs from a NIC_TX channel.