Custom Query (39 matches)


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#17 Nicolas Pouillon Eric Guthmuller wontfix Regression issue between rev 1031 and rev 1034

The platform decoder_h264 runs improperly with the rev 1034 of MutekH but it runs correctly with rev 1031.

Revs 1032 and 1033 fail to compile.

#18 Nicolas Pouillon Eric Guthmuller wontfix Regression issue at rev 1053

The decoder h264 fail to run after the rev 1053 (it runs at rev 1052, but improperly, see Ticket #17) . The thread 1 is blocked in the mips_interrupt_entry function at the initialization of the platform.

#35 becoulet becoulet fixed remove volatile, add barrier

We should remove and discourage use of volatile attribute as it doesn't enforce compiler and cpu access ordering and is often misused. Something like #define volatile volatile attribute((deprecated)) could help.

We should add a hexo/ordering.h header file with compiler and processor/platform barrier primitives.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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