Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#37 new enhancement

Add a Worker thread API — at Version 5

Reported by: anonymous Owned by: becoulet
Priority: minor Milestone: Preemptive scheduler usage
Component: mutek Keywords:

Description (last modified by Nicolas Pouillon)

We sometimes use a worker-thread-like service. Each time it is recreated from scratch. Let's add an API for this.

Here is such a proposal

 @this is an item pushable to a worker queue.
struct worker_item_s

/** @intenral */
CONTAINER_TYPE(worker_internal, DLIST, struct worker_item_s, list_entry);

 @this permits to retrieve an actual structure from an item
#define WORKER_ITEM_TO_STRUCT(struct_type, field, item) \
    (struct_type *)((uintptr_t)(item) - __builtin_offsetof(struct_type, field))

 @this is a worker function prototype macro.
#define WORKER_FUNC(n) void (n)(struct worker_thread_s *worker, \
                                struct worker_item_s *item, \
                                void *priv)

 @this is a worker function type definition.

 Function must return once it handled the reason of wakeup.

 @param worker Worker thread context, may be used to stop self
 @param item Item to work on
 @param priv Private data passed on init
typedef WORKER_FUNC(worker_func_t);

struct worker_thread_s
    worker_internal_root_t to_handle;
    struct sched_context_s context;
    bool_t killed;
    lock_t lock;
    worker_func_t *func;
    void *func_priv;

void worker_thread_init(struct worker_thread_s*,
                        void *stack,
                        size_t stack_size,
                        worker_func_t *func,
                        void *func_priv);

 @this runs a context, i.e. this makes the worker ready for wake
 up. This waits until a work is pushed.
void worker_thread_start(struct worker_thread_s*);

 @this kills the context, but waits for completion of all actions
void worker_thread_stop(struct worker_thread_s*);

 @this makes the worker function to be called once. Multiple
 calls to this function yields multiple consecutive calls to
 the worker function.

 @param item The item to pass to the woken-up function
 @returns -EAGAIN if the thread is not started yet, -EINVAL if the
          thread already got killed, 0 if OK.
error_t worker_thread_wakeup(struct worker_thread_s*, struct worker_item_s *item);

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Component: Build systemmutek
Description: modified (diff)
Owner: changed from Nicolas Pouillon to becoulet
Priority: majorminor
Type: defectenhancement

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Who does the allocation of stack space ? Probably we must pass it to the creation...

comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Milestone: Preempt merge

comment:4 in reply to:  description Changed 14 years ago by gut

Why not include an API to delay some work from irq handlers ? It could be helpful for RT purposes.

comment:5 Changed 14 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Description: modified (diff)
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