#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 import onerun import os import random from math import ceil from sys import exit class RunArguments: def __init__(self, name, x, y): self.path = os.getcwd() self.outpath = name self.x = x self.y = y self.nprocs = 4 self.compileonly = False self.batchmode = True self.faultyrouter = [] self.faultymask = 0xF self.faultycore = [] self.debug = None self.xmax = self.x - 1 self.ymax = self.y - 1 self.pmax = self.nprocs - 1 # init random number generator random.seed() def add_faultyrouter(self, x): if x in self.faultyrouter: return False self.faultyrouter.append(x) return True def add_faultycore(self, x): if x in self.faultycore: return False self.faultycore.append(x) return True def init_faultyrouter(self, x): if x == None: return self.faultyrouter = x def init_faultycore(self, x): if x == None: return self.faultycore = x def get_faultycount(self, total, pct): """ Returns the number of faulty elements in a population Arguments: total -- Total number of elements pct -- Percentage of faulty elements """ return int(ceil(total * float(pct)/100)) def get_faultycorecount(self, pct): """ Returns the number of faulty cores in the platform Arguments: pct -- Percentage of faulty cores """ return self.get_faultycount(self.get_totalcores(), pct) def get_faultyroutercount(self, pct): """ Returns the number of faulty routers in the platform Arguments: pct -- Percentage of faulty routers """ return self.get_faultycount(self.get_totalclusters(), pct) def get_totalclusters(self): return self.x * self.y def get_totalcores(self): return self.get_totalclusters() * self.nprocs # activate the different kinds of simulation SIM_FAULTFREE = False SIM_FAULTCORES = False SIM_FAULTROUTERS = True SIM_FAULTMIXED = False # probability of faulty router (for mixed simul) SIM_FAULTMIXED_PROBROUTER = 0.05 # 5% # NoC index for faulty routers CMD = 0 RSP = 1 for xsize, ysize in [(4, 4), (4, 8), (8, 8), (8, 16), (16, 16)]: if SIM_FAULTFREE: # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # simulation without faults # --------------------------------------------------------------------- cfgname = 'output_{0}_{1}'.format(xsize, ysize) args = RunArguments(cfgname, xsize, ysize) onerun.run(args) for pct in xrange(5, 60, 5): # 5, 10, ..., 55 if SIM_FAULTCORES: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # simulation with random faulty cores # ----------------------------------------------------------------- cfgname = 'output_core_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(xsize, ysize, pct) args = RunArguments(cfgname, xsize, ysize) faultycount = args.get_faultycorecount(pct) print "{0}/{1} faulty cores\n".\ format(faultycount, args.get_totalcores()) n = 0 while n < faultycount: cx = random.randint(0, args.xmax) cy = random.randint(0, args.ymax) cl = random.randint(0, args.pmax) if args.add_faultycore((cx, cy, cl)): n += 1 onerun.run(args) if SIM_FAULTROUTERS: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # simulation with random faulty routers # ----------------------------------------------------------------- cfgname = 'output_router_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(xsize, ysize, pct) args = RunArguments(cfgname, xsize, ysize) faultycount = args.get_faultyroutercount(pct) print "{0}/{1} faulty routers\n".\ format(faultycount, args.get_totalclusters()) n = 0 while n < faultycount: cx = random.randint(0, args.xmax) cy = random.randint(0, args.ymax) if args.add_faultyrouter((CMD, cx, cy)): n += 1 onerun.run(args) if SIM_FAULTMIXED: # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # simulation with random faulty routers and cores # ----------------------------------------------------------------- cfgname = 'output_mixed_{0}_{1}_{2}'.format(xsize, ysize, pct) args = RunArguments(cfgname, xsize, ysize) total = args.get_totalclusters() + args.get_totalcores() faultycount = args.get_faultycount(total, pct) print "\nprobability of faulty routers: {0}".\ format(SIM_FAULTMIXED_PROBROUTER) fr = 0 fc = 0 while (fr + fc) < faultycount: cx = random.randint(0, args.xmax) cy = random.randint(0, args.ymax) if (random.random() < SIM_FAULTMIXED_PROBROUTER): # add faulty router fr += 1 while not args.add_faultyrouter((CMD, cx, cy)): cx = random.randint(0, args.xmax) cy = random.randint(0, args.ymax) else: # add faulty core fc += 1 cl = random.randint(0, args.pmax) while not args.add_faultycore((cx, cy, cl)): cx = random.randint(0, args.xmax) cy = random.randint(0, args.ymax) cl = random.randint(0, args.pmax) print "faulty routers / faulty cores = {0} / {1}".format(fr, fc) onerun.run(args) # vim: ts=4 : sts=4 : sw=4 : et