/* -*- c++ -*- * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_BEGIN * * This file is part of SoCLib, GNU LGPLv2.1. * * SoCLib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License. * * SoCLib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with SoCLib; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * SOCLIB_LGPL_HEADER_END * * Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech * Alexandre Becoulet , 2012 * * Maintainers: becoulet */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "register.h" #include "../include/vci_ethernet.h" #include "ethernet.h" #define CHUNCK_SIZE (64) // Width of a cache line #define CHUNCK_MASK ((~0ULL) << (6)) // MASK of a cache line //#define SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG namespace soclib { namespace caba { #define tmpl(t) template t VciEthernet tmpl(bool)::on_write(int seg, typename vci_param::addr_t addr, typename vci_param::data_t data, int be) { int cell = (int)addr / vci_param::B; #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": write config register " << cell << " with data 0x" << std::hex << data << std::dec << std::endl; #endif fifo_entry_t *f; switch ((enum SoclibEthernetRegisters)cell) { case ETHERNET_TX_SIZE: _tx_size = std::min((int)data, VCI_ETHERNET_MAX_PKT_SIZE); return true; case ETHERNET_TX_FIFO: if (_tx_count >= VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE) { std::cout << name() << ": TX fifo full, can not push more packets!" << std::endl; return false; } f = _tx_fifo + (_tx_start + _tx_count++) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; _tx_waiting++; f->addr = data; f->size = _tx_size; f->status = 0; f->data = (uint8_t*)malloc(_tx_size); return true; case ETHERNET_RX_SIZE: _rx_size = std::min((int)data, VCI_ETHERNET_MAX_PKT_SIZE); return true; case ETHERNET_RX_FIFO: if (_rx_count >= VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE) { std::cout << name() << ": RX fifo full, can not push more packet buffers!" << std::endl; return false; } f = _rx_fifo + (_rx_start + _rx_count++) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; _rx_free++; f->addr = data; f->size = _rx_size; f->status = 0; f->data = (uint8_t*)malloc(_rx_size); return true; case ETHERNET_CTRL: if (data & ETHERNET_CTRL_RESET) _soft_reset = true; if (data & ETHERNET_CTRL_TX_IRQ) _tx_irq_en = true; else _tx_irq_en = false; if (data & ETHERNET_CTRL_RX_IRQ) _rx_irq_en = true; else _rx_irq_en = false; if (data & ETHERNET_CTRL_LINK_IRQ) _link_irq_en = true; else _link_irq_en = false; return true; default: return false; } } tmpl(bool)::on_read(int seg, typename vci_param::addr_t addr, typename vci_param::data_t &data) { int cell = (int)addr / vci_param::B; #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": read config register " << cell << std::endl; #endif fifo_entry_t *f; switch ((enum SoclibEthernetRegisters)cell) { case ETHERNET_TX_FIFO: if (_tx_done == 0) { data = 0; } else { f = _tx_fifo + _tx_start++ % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; _tx_count--; _tx_done--; data = f->status; free(f->data); } return true; case ETHERNET_RX_SIZE: if (_rx_done == 0) { data = 0; } else { f = _rx_fifo + _rx_start % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; data = f->size; } return true; case ETHERNET_RX_FIFO: if (_rx_done == 0) { data = 0; } else { f = _rx_fifo + _rx_start++ % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; _rx_count--; _rx_done--; free(f->data); data = f->status; } return true; case ETHERNET_STATUS: data = 0; _link_changed = false; if (_link_up) data |= ETHERNET_ST_LINK_UP; if (_rx_done > 0) data |= ETHERNET_ST_RX_DONE; if (_tx_done > 0) data |= ETHERNET_ST_TX_DONE; return true; case ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE: data = VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; return true; case ETHERNET_MAC_LOW: data = _mac[0] | (_mac[1] << 8) | (_mac[2] << 16) | (_mac[3] << 24); return true; case ETHERNET_MAC_HIGH: data = _mac[4] | (_mac[5] << 8); return true; default: return false; } } tmpl(void)::write_finish( req_t *req ) { fifo_entry_t *f = _rx_fifo + (_rx_start + _rx_count - _rx_free - 1) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; assert(req == f->rd_req); delete req; if (req->failed()) { std::cout << name() << ": RX dma write error for packet @" << f->addr << std::endl; f->status = ETHERNET_RX_DMA_ERR; _rx_done++; _dma_busy = false; } else if ((unsigned)f->dma_offset >= f->size) { #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": RX dma done for packet @" << f->addr << std::endl; #endif f->status = ETHERNET_RX_DONE; _rx_done++; _dma_busy = false; } else { int chunck_size = std::min((unsigned)CHUNCK_SIZE, f->size - f->dma_offset); f->wr_req = new VciInitSimpleWriteReq(f->addr + f->dma_offset, f->data + f->dma_offset, chunck_size); f->dma_offset += chunck_size; f->wr_req->setDone(this, ON_T(write_finish)); f->wr_req->setPacket(0x4); m_vci_init_fsm.doReq(f->wr_req); } } tmpl(void)::read_finish( req_t *req ) { fifo_entry_t *f = _tx_fifo + (_tx_start + _tx_count - _tx_waiting - 1) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; assert(req == f->rd_req); delete req; if (req->failed()) { std::cout << name() << ": TX dma read error for packet @" << f->addr << std::endl; f->status = ETHERNET_TX_DMA_ERR; _tx_done++; _dma_busy = false; } else if ((unsigned)f->dma_offset >= f->size) { #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": TX dma done for packet @" << f->addr << std::endl; #endif f->status = ETHERNET_TX_DONE; if (!_link_up || ::write(_fd, f->data, f->size) != f->size) { std::cout << name() << ": TX tap write error for packet @" << f->addr << std::endl; f->status = ETHERNET_TX_PHY_ERR; _link_check_counter = 1; } _tx_done++; _dma_busy = false; } else { int chunck_size = std::min((unsigned)CHUNCK_SIZE, f->size - f->dma_offset); f->rd_req = new VciInitSimpleReadReq(f->data + f->dma_offset, f->addr + f->dma_offset, chunck_size); f->dma_offset += chunck_size; f->rd_req->setDone(this, ON_T(read_finish)); m_vci_init_fsm.doReq(f->rd_req); } } tmpl(void)::cleanup_fifos() { for (int i = 0; i < _rx_count; i++) { fifo_entry_t *f = _rx_fifo + (_rx_start + i) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; free(f->data); } for (int i = 0; i < _tx_count; i++) { fifo_entry_t *f = _tx_fifo + (_tx_start + i) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; free(f->data); } } tmpl(void)::transition() { if (!p_resetn || _soft_reset) { m_vci_target_fsm.reset(); m_vci_init_fsm.reset(); _soft_reset = false; cleanup_fifos(); _rx_start = _rx_free = _rx_done = _rx_count = 0; _tx_start = _tx_waiting = _tx_done = _tx_count = 0; _rx_irq_en = _tx_irq_en = _link_irq_en = false; _link_check_counter = 1; _link_changed = _link_up = false; _dma_busy = false; return; } if (_fd >= 0 && --_link_check_counter <= 0) { _link_check_counter = 100000; int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sock >= 0) { if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &_tap_ifr) < 0) { std::cout << name() << ": link status check error: " << _tap_ifr.ifr_flags << std::endl; } else if (_link_up != !!(_tap_ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) { _link_up = !_link_up; _link_changed = true; #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": link status changed to: " << (_link_up ? "up" : "down") << std::endl; #endif } close(sock); } } if (!_dma_busy) { if (_tx_waiting > 0) { fifo_entry_t *f = _tx_fifo + (_tx_start + _tx_count - _tx_waiting--) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; // start DMA read int chunck_size = std::min((unsigned)CHUNCK_SIZE, f->size); if ((f->addr & CHUNCK_MASK) != ((f->addr + chunck_size) & CHUNCK_MASK)) { chunck_size = ((f->addr & CHUNCK_MASK) + CHUNCK_SIZE) - f->addr; } f->rd_req = new VciInitSimpleReadReq(f->data, f->addr, chunck_size); f->dma_offset = chunck_size; f->rd_req->setDone(this, ON_T(read_finish)); m_vci_init_fsm.doReq(f->rd_req); _dma_busy = true; #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": started TX dma read @" << f->addr << ", " << f->size << " bytes " << std::endl; #endif } else if (_rx_free > 0 && _link_up) { fifo_entry_t *f = _rx_fifo + (_rx_start + _rx_count - _rx_free) % VCI_ETHERNET_FIFO_SIZE; int rd = ::read(_fd, f->data, f->size); if (rd < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) { f->status = ETHERNET_RX_PHY_ERR; _rx_done++; std::cout << name() << ": tap read error on RX" << std::endl; _link_check_counter = 1; } else if (rd > 0) { if (_rx_free > 0) { f->size = rd; _rx_free--; // start DMA write int chunck_size = std::min((unsigned)CHUNCK_SIZE, f->size); if ((f->addr & CHUNCK_MASK) != ((f->addr + chunck_size) & CHUNCK_MASK)) { chunck_size = ((f->addr & CHUNCK_MASK) + CHUNCK_SIZE) - f->addr; } f->wr_req = new VciInitSimpleWriteReq(f->addr, f->data, chunck_size); f->dma_offset = chunck_size; f->wr_req->setDone(this, ON_T(write_finish)); f->wr_req->setPacket(0x4); m_vci_init_fsm.doReq(f->wr_req); _dma_busy = true; #ifdef SOCLIB_MODULE_DEBUG std::cout << name() << ": started RX dma write @" << f->addr << ", " << f->size << " bytes " << std::endl; #endif } else { std::cout << name() << ": No rx buffer free so paquet is dropped" << std::endl; } } } } m_vci_target_fsm.transition(); m_vci_init_fsm.transition(); } tmpl(void)::genMoore() { m_vci_target_fsm.genMoore(); m_vci_init_fsm.genMoore(); p_irq = (_rx_irq_en && _rx_done > 0) || (_tx_irq_en && _tx_done > 0) || (_link_changed && _link_irq_en); } tmpl(/**/)::VciEthernet(sc_module_name name, const MappingTable &mt, const IntTab &srcid, const IntTab &tgtid, const std::string &if_name) : caba::BaseModule(name), m_vci_target_fsm(p_vci_target, mt.getSegmentList(tgtid)), m_vci_init_fsm(p_vci_initiator, mt.indexForId(srcid)), p_clk("clk"), p_resetn("resetn"), p_vci_target("vci_target"), p_vci_initiator("vci_initiator"), p_irq("irq") { m_vci_target_fsm.on_read_write(on_read, on_write); _fd = open("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR); if ( _fd < 0 ) { std::cerr << name << ": Unable to open /dev/net/tun" << std::endl; } else { int flags = fcntl(_fd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(_fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); memset((void*)&_tap_ifr, 0, sizeof(_tap_ifr)); _tap_ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI; strncpy(_tap_ifr.ifr_name, if_name.c_str(), IFNAMSIZ); if (ioctl(_fd, TUNSETIFF, (void *) &_tap_ifr) < 0) { close(_fd); _fd = -1; std::cerr << name << ": Unable to setup tap interface, check privileges." #ifdef __linux__ << " (try: sudo setcap cap_net_admin=eip ./system.x)" #endif << std::endl; } flags = 2; if (ioctl(_fd, TUNSETDEBUG, (void *) &flags) < 0) { std::cerr << "Warning couldn't use debug option for TAP" << std::endl; } /* ioctl(_fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &_tap_ifr); memcpy(_mac, _tap_ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6);*/ srand(time(0) * getpid()); _mac[0] = 0x00; _mac[1] = 0x16; _mac[2] = 0x3e; _mac[3] = rand(); _mac[4] = rand(); _mac[5] = rand(); } _link_check_counter = 1; _rx_start = _rx_free = _rx_done = _rx_count = 0; _tx_start = _tx_waiting = _tx_done = _tx_count = 0; _dma_busy = false; _link_up = false; SC_METHOD(transition); dont_initialize(); sensitive << p_clk.pos(); SC_METHOD(genMoore); dont_initialize(); sensitive << p_clk.neg(); } tmpl(/**/)::~VciEthernet() { cleanup_fifos(); if (_fd >= 0) close(_fd); } }} // Local Variables: // tab-width: 4 // c-basic-offset: 4 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=4:softtabstop=4