#include "hard_config.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "limits.h" #include "../giet_tsar/block_device.h" #define NL 128 #define NP 128 #define NB_IMAGES 5 #define PRINTF(...) ({ if (lpid == 0) { _tty_printf(__VA_ARGS__); } }) #define DISPLAY_OK // tricks to read parameters from ldscript extern struct plaf seg_ioc_base; extern struct plaf seg_heap_base; // global variables stored in seg_data (cluster 0) // instrumentation counters for each processor unsigned int LOAD_START[256][4]; unsigned int LOAD_END [256][4]; unsigned int TRSP_START[256][4]; unsigned int TRSP_END [256][4]; unsigned int DISP_START[256][4]; unsigned int DISP_END [256][4]; // checksum variables unsigned check_line_before[NL]; unsigned check_line_after[NL]; ///////////// void main() { unsigned int image = 0; unsigned int l; // line index for loops unsigned int p; // pixel index for loops unsigned int * ioc_address = (unsigned int *) &seg_ioc_base; unsigned int block_size = ioc_address[BLOCK_DEVICE_BLOCK_SIZE]; unsigned int proc_id = _procid(); // processor id unsigned int nclusters = X_SIZE*Y_SIZE; // number of clusters unsigned int lpid = proc_id % NB_PROCS_MAX; // local processor id unsigned int cluster_xy = proc_id / NB_PROCS_MAX; // cluster index (8 bits format) unsigned int x = cluster_xy >> Y_WIDTH; // x coordinate unsigned int y = cluster_xy & ((1<>8) & 0x000000FF); unsigned char byte2 = (unsigned char)((word>>16) & 0x000000FF); unsigned char byte3 = (unsigned char)((word>>24) & 0x000000FF); // compute checksum check_line_before[l] = check_line_before[l] + byte0 + byte1 + byte2 + byte3; // write four bytes with extended address to four remote buffers dst_cluster = (((p / npix_clusters) / Y_SIZE) << Y_WIDTH) + ((p / npix_clusters) % Y_SIZE); dst_index = (p % npix_clusters) * NL + l; _byte_extended_write( dst_cluster, (unsigned int)&buf_out[dst_index], byte0 ); dst_cluster = ((((p+1) / npix_clusters) / Y_SIZE) << Y_WIDTH) + (((p+1) / npix_clusters) % Y_SIZE); dst_index = ((p+1) % npix_clusters) * NL + l; _byte_extended_write( dst_cluster, (unsigned int)&buf_out[dst_index], byte1 ); dst_cluster = ((((p+2) / npix_clusters) / Y_SIZE) << Y_WIDTH) + (((p+2) / npix_clusters) % Y_SIZE); dst_index = ((p+2) % npix_clusters) * NL + l; _byte_extended_write( dst_cluster, (unsigned int)&buf_out[dst_index], byte2 ); dst_cluster = ((((p+3) / npix_clusters) / Y_SIZE) << Y_WIDTH) + (((p+3) / npix_clusters) % Y_SIZE); dst_index = ((p+3) % npix_clusters) * NL + l; _byte_extended_write( dst_cluster, (unsigned int)&buf_out[dst_index], byte3 ); } } PRINTF("*** proc 0 in cluster [%d,%d] complete transpose for image %d at cycle %d\n", x, y, image, _proctime() ); TRSP_END[cluster_id][lpid] = _proctime(); _barrier_wait(1); // optional parallel display from local buf_out to frame buffer #ifdef DISPLAY_OK PRINTF("\n*** proc 0 in cluster [%d,%d] starts display for image %d at cycle %d\n", x, y, image, _proctime() ); DISP_START[cluster_id][lpid] = _proctime(); unsigned int npxt = npixels / ntasks; // number of pixels per task unsigned int buffer = (unsigned int)buf_out + npxt*lpid; _fb_sync_write( npxt * task_id, buffer, npxt, cluster_xy ); PRINTF("*** Proc 0 in cluster [%d,%d] completes display for image %d at cycle %d\n", x, y, image, _proctime() ); DISP_END[cluster_id][lpid] = _proctime(); _barrier_wait(2); #endif // Instrumentation and checksum (done by processor 0 in cluster 0) if (proc_id == 0) { PRINTF("\n*** Proc [0,0,0] starts checks for image %d at cycle %d\n\n", image, _proctime() ); unsigned int success = 1; for ( l = 0 ; l < NL ; l++ ) { check_line_after[l] = 0; for ( p = 0 ; p < NP ; p++ ) { // read one byte in remote buffer src_cluster = (((p / npix_clusters) / Y_SIZE) << Y_WIDTH) + ((p / npix_clusters) % Y_SIZE); src_index = (p % npix_clusters) * NL + l; unsigned char byte = _byte_extended_read( src_cluster, (unsigned int)&buf_out[src_index] ); check_line_after[l] = check_line_after[l] + byte; } PRINTF(" - l = %d / before = %d / after = %d \n", l, check_line_before[l], check_line_after[l] ); if ( check_line_before[l] != check_line_after[l] ) success = 0; } if ( success ) PRINTF("\n*** proc [0,0,0] : CHECKSUM OK \n\n"); else PRINTF("\n*** proc [0,0,0] : CHECKSUM KO \n\n"); int cc, pp; unsigned int min_load_start = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_load_start = 0; unsigned int min_load_ended = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_load_ended = 0; unsigned int min_trsp_start = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_trsp_start = 0; unsigned int min_trsp_ended = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_trsp_ended = 0; unsigned int min_disp_start = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_disp_start = 0; unsigned int min_disp_ended = INT_MAX; unsigned int max_disp_ended = 0; for (cc = 0; cc < nclusters; cc++) { for (pp = 0; pp < NB_PROCS_MAX; pp++) { if (LOAD_START[cc][pp] < min_load_start) min_load_start = LOAD_START[cc][pp]; if (LOAD_START[cc][pp] > max_load_start) max_load_start = LOAD_START[cc][pp]; if (LOAD_END[cc][pp] < min_load_ended) min_load_ended = LOAD_END[cc][pp]; if (LOAD_END[cc][pp] > max_load_ended) max_load_ended = LOAD_END[cc][pp]; if (TRSP_START[cc][pp] < min_trsp_start) min_trsp_start = TRSP_START[cc][pp]; if (TRSP_START[cc][pp] > max_trsp_start) max_trsp_start = TRSP_START[cc][pp]; if (TRSP_END[cc][pp] < min_trsp_ended) min_trsp_ended = TRSP_END[cc][pp]; if (TRSP_END[cc][pp] > max_trsp_ended) max_trsp_ended = TRSP_END[cc][pp]; if (DISP_START[cc][pp] < min_disp_start) min_disp_start = DISP_START[cc][pp]; if (DISP_START[cc][pp] > max_disp_start) max_disp_start = DISP_START[cc][pp]; if (DISP_END[cc][pp] < min_disp_ended) min_disp_ended = DISP_END[cc][pp]; if (DISP_END[cc][pp] > max_disp_ended) max_disp_ended = DISP_END[cc][pp]; } } PRINTF(" - LOAD_START : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_load_start, max_load_start, (min_load_start+max_load_start)/2, max_load_start-min_load_start); PRINTF(" - LOAD_END : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_load_ended, max_load_ended, (min_load_ended+max_load_ended)/2, max_load_ended-min_load_ended); PRINTF(" - TRSP_START : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_trsp_start, max_trsp_start, (min_trsp_start+max_trsp_start)/2, max_trsp_start-min_trsp_start); PRINTF(" - TRSP_END : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_trsp_ended, max_trsp_ended, (min_trsp_ended+max_trsp_ended)/2, max_trsp_ended-min_trsp_ended); PRINTF(" - DISP_START : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_disp_start, max_disp_start, (min_disp_start+max_disp_start)/2, max_disp_start-min_disp_start); PRINTF(" - DISP_END : min = %d / max = %d / med = %d / delta = %d\n", min_disp_ended, max_disp_ended, (min_disp_ended+max_disp_ended)/2, max_disp_ended-min_disp_ended); } image++; _barrier_wait( 3 ); } // end while image _exit(); } // end main() // Local Variables: // tab-width: 3 // c-basic-offset: 3 // c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)) // indent-tabs-mode: nil // End: // vim: filetype=cpp:expandtab:shiftwidth=3:tabstop=3:softtabstop=3