\author: Cesar Fuguet \date : July 24, 2014 TSAR BOOT-LOADER Files: src/ Source files The entry point of this boot loader is the file reset.S include/ Header files driver/ Drivers source files and headers conf/ Platform specific files and ldscript For each platform, we must define a new directory. Mandatory files: - hard_config.h (can be generated using giet-vm genmap tool) - ldscript Optional files: - platform.dts (platform device tree) Makefile Makefile to compile the boot loader. Mandatory arguments: - PLATFORM_DIR= Defines the directory where to find the plateform specific files Optional arguments: - USE_DT= Value can be 1 or 0. If a device tree file is not used, set this flag to 0. It is set by default to 1. - SYSTEM_CLK= Platform clock frequency in KHz - DTS= Platform device tree (by default is platform.dts) Examples: make PLATFORM_DIR= USE_DT=0 Compile for and do not compile device tree file make PLATFORM_DIR= DTS=platform_fpga.dts SYSTEM_CLK=25000 Compile for and compile the 'platform_dpga.dts' device tree file. System clock frequency is 25 MHz make PLATFORM_DIR= SYSTEM_CLK=25000 Compile for and compile the 'platform.dts' device tree file (default name). System clock frequency is 25 MHz