April 2014, Joel Porquet This platform is known for being able to run Linux. ---- Pre-requisites: * A working version of SoCLib (r2558) - the command `soclib-cc --getpath` should return where SoCLib is installed * A working version of TSAR (r668) - TSAR directory should be properly added to SoCLib's configuration: either globally, or through the `soclib.conf` file present in this directory (in which case, the environment variable `TSARDIR` should be defined to point on TSAR directory) ---- Targets of the Makefile: * clean: clean the compilation files * all (or none): compile the simulation system * run_tsar_boot: runs the simulation system using a boot loader (in this case, you want to use a blockdevice image that contains the kernel: see `DSK` option below) * run_dummy_boot: runs the simulation system using directly Linux instead of a boot loader (i.e. Linux is already loaded in RAM before execution). ---- Options for running: These options apply when using either `run_tsar_boot` or `run_dummy_boot` targets. Example: `make run_dummy_boot GDB=1 VMLINUX=../vmlinux DSK=dsk.img` * GDB=1|[FXSCTZW]: options to the GDB server (1 means FCX which is a good default) * NCPUS=[1-4]: number of processors (the default is 4) * DSK=[pathname]: path to a filesystem to use with the BlockDevice component (also implies creating a system with such a component, other the component is deactivated) * TRACE=[number]: enables tracing the simulation starting from a certain cycle * NCYCLES=[number]: runs the simulation for a certain number of cycles Only for run_dummy_boot: * VMLINUX=[pathname]: path to Linux `vmlinux` image ---- Using GDB server: A file named `.gdbinit` contains a few macros that can be useful for debugging Linux when using the GDB server. * connect: connect to the GDB server that runs within the simulation * dmesg: print the content of the kernel message buffer * thread_info: print the thread_info structure of the current task * task_struct: print the task_struct structure of the current task * active_mm: print the active_mm structure of the current task * pgd: print the content of the page table of the current task * ps: print the list of running tasks