

The addaccu circuit

Image add1

The data-path

Image add2

Description of the circuit with Stratus : file

Image addaccu1

Image addaccu2

Creation of the circuit : file

Image test

How to execute the file

python -n 4
or :
chmod u+x
./test -n 4

The editor

The method View permits to open an editor in which one can see the cell being created as shown in the picture below.

Image editor

Function Param

This function allows the user to give parameters when creating a cell.
When one wants to give values to two parameters, one can type on the shell :

python -n 4 -w 8
The file has then to contain :
nbit, nword = Param ( "n", "w" )
The letters typed on the shell must be the ones given as parameters of function Param.

How to instanciate your generator in another generator

One can create a generator and instantiate it in another generator.
To do that, the model name of the generator must have the form : "file_name.class_name".
Note that if the two generators are not in the same directory, the directory of the generator to be instantiated has to be added in the CRL_CATA_LIB environment variable.

For example, in order to instanciate the addaccu created above in a cell :

n = 4
Generate ( "addaccu.addaccu", "my_addaccu_%dbits" % n
         , param = { 'nbit' : n } )

Inst ( "my_addaccu_%dbits" % n
     , map = { 'a'    : self.netA
             , 'b'    : self.netB
             , 'c'    : self.netC
             , 'v'    : self.netV
             , 'cmd'  : self.netCmd
             , 'cout' : self.netCout
             , 's'    : self.netS
             , 'vdd'  : self.vdd
             , 'vss'  : self.vss

See Also

Introduction Netlist Layout Place and Route Virtual libraty Instanciation facilities
